It is known benefits of massage. From helping eliminate fatigue, blood circulation, making the body more flexible to move, and many others. Culture massage has long been recognized and generally to massage, use of mediation between the skin and the massage massagers. Mediation may be oil or balsam. However, not everyone likes the smell of balsam or taste of the oil slick left behind. Trying to give satisfaction to its customers, Martha Tilaar introduce new massage treatment, Dry Herb Massage.
Dry Herb Massage is actually inspired from the way the soldiers in the period around the 14th century until the 18th. At that time the soldiers using herbal compress to help release muscle tension and fatigue. In fact, the power contained in the herb can help release tired muscles. From there, Martha Tilaar trying to assimilate these techniques in the treatment and natural ingredients held in Indonesia.
Herbs that are used by Martha Tilaar incorporated into a ball compresses previously soaked in hot water and then massaging the media made with tap-tepukkan way and pressed on the person's body will be massaged. The content of natural ingredients are wrapped in a soft cotton cloth. Natural materials are used, among others;
- Turmeric. As an anti-inflammatory to anti-inflammatory (pembekakan), blemishes, and curcumin content of his trusted as an antibacterial and an antioxidant.
- Citronella (Cymbopogon nardus). As an anti-inflammatory and pain relief.
- Citrus lime (Citrus hystrix). As an antimicrobial inflammation and antikarsinogenik (antiaging and cancer-fighting). Saponin content of its function as an antimicrobial inflammation and antikarsinogenik, tannin, useful as anticancer, antioxidant, and antimicrobial.
- Volatile oil as an antibacterial and an antidote to poison.
- Camphor. Got an antibacterial function, antigatal, eliminate aches, and soothe skin
- The leaves of pandanus (Pandanus ammarylifolius). Whether to reduce arthritis, stiff, also contains saponins, tannins, flavonoids, and polyphenols.
Dry Herb Massage treatment procedures (120 minutes):
1. Foot ritual. Massage that focuses on the soles of the feet, calves, and thighs with a pressure at specific points.
2.Dry massage the back. Rear body massage using talc powder ranging from feet to shoulders.
3.Herbal massage the back. Using the herbal compress ball first soaked in hot water, massage starts from the feet. The sensation that is felt between the warm and slightly wet due to new soaked in hot water. Pat and the heat of the ball compresses can be tailored to customer desires.
4.Dry massage the back.
5.Herbal massage the front. The front of the body-press pressed only in the legs, upper body only applied.
Recommended 6.Tidak rinse or bath, just cleaned with a warm towel for herbs that are used to soak into the skin to aid effectiveness.
7. Drinking hot ginger.